Saturday, July 21, 2007


I love the times of half-light. Twilight, dusk, dawn... before the sunrise and after the sunset. There's a crispness to everything; the light reveals details that full sun does not normally allow. Color is not saturated, the tones are muted. Blue and shadow and quiet. So yeah, I was awake through dawn this morning. Thought I'd bust out a haiku before going back to sleep.

What's your favorite time of day?

Pools of blue shadow.
There is an awareness now.
Quiet. Life is muted.


Anonymous said...

I hope you are doing well, Autumn. I never knew what a creative person you are. Your blog has inspired me to write a Haiku..

I stand here alone.

Crossroads. Which path do I Choose.

Will love come again.

Kimmie Allen said...

Every day I peek.
Will there be a new Haiku?
NOPE. What up with that?!